Our Mission
Promoting better understanding of problems in the fields of air and water pollution and waste management and providing a means for exchanging information towards resolving those problems.
This website is a portal to information for environmental professionals on news, events, regulations, conferences and meetings in West Virginia.
If you would like more information, contact a West Virginia – A&WMA section member today!
Congratulations to the West Virginia Chapter of the Air and Waste Management Association for receiving the 2020 Membership Recognition Award! This award was presented to the West Virginia Chapter in recognition as outstanding performance in membership for the 3rd year in a row.
Latest events
Informal Meet and Greet Event
Adelphia Sports Bar, 218 Capial St., Charleston, WV The West Virginia Chapter of the A&WMA is sponsoring an informal Meet and Greet at Adelphia Sports Bar & Grille, 218 Capital Street in downtow…
2016 WV Brownfields Conference
Marriott Town Center in Charleston, West Virginia The 2016 West Virginia Brownfields Conference will occur on September 6,7,8. The conference will begin at 1pm on September 6, and continue through the 8th…
WV Power Baseball Game
601 Morris St. Charleston, WV Join us Friday evening, July 29th for a fun night of baseball at WV Power’s baseball stadium in Charleston, followed by fireworks! Click here in order to register to attend…
2016 West Virginia Environmental Regulatory Workshop
Coopers Rock Training Room, WVDEP Kanawha City Headquarters 601 57th Street SE Charleston, WV (Parking Details Listed Below) ***UPDATE: The powerpoint presentations from this event …
Licensed Environmental Remediation Specialist Exam
Marshall University Graduate College South Charleston Campus in Room 205 of the Robert C. Byrd Academic Center Building located at 100 Angus E. Peyton Drive in South Charleston Licens…