The West Virginia Chapter of the Air & Waste Management Association (AWMA) is pleased to announce a one day LRS Training Workshop in which LRS’s can obtain their 5.5 PDHs needed towards your LRS renewal requirements. The LRS Training Workshop will be held Tuesday, Sept 10 at Summersville Arena & Conference Center, Summersville, WV. The 2024 West Virginia Brownfields Conference will be held the following two days, on Wednesday & Thursday, September 11th & 12th, at the same venue.
The LRS Training Workshop fee includes a one-year membership to AWMA, breakfast, and lunch.
Fees: $315 for AWMA members, $375 for non members.
In order for an LRS attendee to receive educational credit for license renewal, he or she must register and attend the entire day. The training has been approved by the WVDEP for 5.5 PDHs.